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The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s Symbiosis in Aquatic Systems Initiative is soliciting pre-applications for investigator awards. They are interested in supporting research on the evolution, mechanisms, and ecology of symbioses as well as organismal interactions that may lead to symbiosis. Their first funding call for individual investigators has a deadline of June 3, and they will announce two additional calls later this year to (1) advance model systems and (2) illuminate the origin of the eukaryotic cell. The final link below enables researchers to add themselves to their distribution list; please fill this out if you are interested. To bypass spam blockers, it would be helpful to add “” to your address book.

Symbiosis in Aquatic Systems Initiative announcement:$140-million-to-explore-aquatic-symbioses

Initiative details:

Currently open call for individual investigators (with many helpful FAQs about the new program; deadline June 3):

Link to sign up for announcements (best to add “” to your address book):

Symbiosis in Aquatic Systems Initiative Announcements